[1] Fees and Payment Policy
1.1 A non-refundable administration fee of $50 ($53.50 for GST registered centres) is payable by all students upon registration or re-registration.
1.2 A non-refundable deposit, equivalent to 4 lessons fee, is payable by all students for each registered subject. The deposit will be used to offset the last 4 lessons upon notice of withdrawal (Refer to Clause 3.1). Deposit top-up is required when there is fee adjustment or upon students promoting to the next academic level.
1.3 Course fee, inclusive of materials, can be paid by term or in monthly payment of 4 lessons. Term fees must be paid in full before the commencement of the new term and monthly fees by the 7th of every month.
1.4 All fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable among subjects, siblings or for any other reason.
1.5 Students are required to purchase supplementary materials when necessary.
1.6 Payment can be made by PayNow, NETS, GrabPay, FavePay or cheque. For all cheque payment, cheque should be crossed and indicated with studentโ€™s name and parentโ€™s contact number at the back of the cheque.
1.7 As the Centre runs an on-going curriculum during the school holiday, students are required to attend scheduled lessons as per normal and are liable to pay the corresponding fee. Any student who wishes to take a break during course of study or school holidays will be considered as withdrawal.

[2] Centre Closure Policy
2.1 No lessons are conducted on all public holidays and the 4 designated centre closure weeks.
2.2 In the event of unexpected or unforseen Centre closure due to any natural disaster, man-made hazard or prevention of disease outbreak, the Centre will arrange make-up lesson(s) or provide e-learning material, whichever the Centre deems suitable or necessary.

[3] Withdrawal Policy
3.1 A student who wishes to withdraw from his/her course has to inform by the first lesson (as per Just calendar) of the month by submitting a withdrawal form at the Centre . If the withdrawal notice is not received by the first lesson of the month, it will be considered as the following monthโ€™s withdrawal.
3.2 If the course fee is not received by the 7th of the month, the Centre reserves the right to withdraw the student and use the deposit to offset the course fee.

[4] No Refund Policy
4.1 There will be STRICTLY NO REFUND of course fee.
4.2 If student misses a scheduled lesson, he/she may arrange to attend make-up lesson within the same week (Friday to Thursday) at any of our Centre. Make-up lessons are subject to availability and will be held strictly according to the Centreโ€™s arrangement.
4.3 If student is not able to attend the Make-up lesson, he/she may watch the recorded lesson via Microsoft Teams.

[5] Transfer Policy
5.1 Students are not allowed to transfer to a class of a different subject.
5.2 Students who wish to transfer to another Centre have to commence lessons at a new term, or any other date subject to the Centreโ€™s approval. Deposit top-up and course fee top-up are required when applicable.

[6] Disciplinary Policy
6.1 Vandalism and littering in the Centre are strictly prohibited. Consumption of food and drinks in the classroom is not allowed.
6.2 Students are not allowed to use mobile phones or any other electronic devices during lessons. Mobile phones should be on silent mode or switched off.
6.3 Students should safeguard their belongings and refrain from bringing valuables to the Centre. Centre will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen item.
6.4 The Centre reserves the right to terminate any student at its discretion and when parents have demonstrated offensive behaviour or made rude remarks.

[7] Personal Data and Others
7.1 Personal data will be used by JustEdu group of companies and our affiliates for purposes which include processing of the registration, providing of our latest news, promotions and activities. If you do not wish to receive any marketing updates from JustEdu, please email us at privacy@justedu.com.sg. For more information on our privacy policy, please visit http://www.justedu.com.sg/privacy-policy/.
In the event that a tutor falls sick or is absent due to any urgent matter, the Centre reserves the right to arrange for a relief tutor or re-schedule the lesson(s).
7.3 The Centre reserves the right to reschedule / close any class.
7.4 The Centre reserves the right to publish the studentsโ€™ results, photographs and/or videos. Students are required to submit a photocopy of their result slips upon Centreโ€™s request.
7.5 Parents are strictly not allowed to approach the Centreโ€™s tutors or staff for private tuition. This is a serious violation of the Centreโ€™s policy.
7.6 For safety purposes, students are advised not to leave the Centre premises during lesson time. The Centre will take any necessary precaution to safeguard the well-being of students while they are in the premises. However, the Centre will not be held responsible or answerable for any incident/mishap that may occur.
7.7 The Centre reserves the right to amend any of the rules and regulations from time to time without prior notice.